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Scholarships for Newly Admitted Honor Students
ScholarshipOpen to GPAAmountNotes
WoowonTop student in regular decision (CSAT + Transcript) 3.0 or aboveAdmission fee + tuition
(4 years)
As notified by Office of Admissions
Top student among Promising Students Admissions (exemplary high school life) in early decision
MokyangSecond ranked student in regular decision3.0 or above Admission fee + tuition
(2 years)
Second ranked student among Promising Students Admissions (exemplary high school life) in early decision


Average of 85 or higher on a 100-point scale in Korean, Math, and English on CSAT 3.0 or above Admission fee + tuition
(4 years)


Average 80 or higher on a 100-point scale in Korean, Math, and English on CSAT 3.0 or above Admission fee + tuition
(2 years)


Top student in department in regular decision First semester Tuition
(first semester)
Top student (paper + interview) in department among Promising Students Admissions (exemplary high school life) in early decision. Excellent student acquiring good admission grades (combined) including a general screening rate (arts and physical education admissions)
DreamsTop 30% (paper + interview) in Promising Students Admissions in early decision (students admitted in 2017 or thereafter) First semester Tuition 50% (first semester)
Top 30% (paper + interview) in Exemplary High School Life Admissions in early decision (students admitted in 2016) 3.0 or above Tuition10%
(2 years)
TalentsTop 10% in regular decision (students admitted in 2017 or following years) (excluding departments with admissions quota being less than 10) First semester Tuition 50% (first semester)
Top 10% in each admission section in regular decision (students admitted in 2016) (excluding departments with admissions quota being less than 10) 3.0 or above Tuition 10%
(2 years)
Scholarships for Student Athletes
ScholarshipOpen to GPAAmountNotes
ExcellentAthlete admissions (shooting) (pursuant to Attachment 3) 3.0 or above Admission fee + tuition
Submit supporting documents among those notified by Office of Admissions
Good3.0 or above Admission fee + tuition 100% (2 years)
Education Protection/Support Scholarships
ScholarshipOpen to GPAAmountNotes
Education Protection ScholarshipNational Basic Livelihood Security Recipients and those from lower income families among admissions of equal opportunity, National Basic Livelihood Security Recipients, and lower income families (Students admitted in 2015 or thereafter)3.0 or aboveAdmission fee + tuition 50%
(4 years)
As notified by Office of Admissions
Those with income confirmed by Korea Student Aid Foundation
Admissions of National Basic Livelihood Security Recipients
(Students admitted in 2013 and 2014)
3.0 or aboveAdmission fee + tuition 100%
(4 years)
Admissions of National Basic Livelihood Security Recipients
(Students admitted in 2012 or prior years)
2.5 or aboveAdmission fee + tuition 67%
(4 years)
Admissions of Lower Income Families
(Students admitted in 2013 and 2014)
3.0 or above
Education Support ScholarshipSpecial Admissions for Late BloomersFirst semesterAdmission fee 100%As notified by Office of Admissions
Expected dormitory residents among special admissions of agricultural/fishery area-Certain amount (1 year)Expected dormitory residents as notified by Office of Admissions
National Merit Scholarships
ScholarshipOpen toGPAAmountNote
Descendants of veterans- Descendants of national merit subject to education protection according to relevant regulations2.0 or above(70 p)Admission fee + tuition 100% (according to Ordinance of Ministry of Education)Submit supporting documents
VeteransThose of national merit subject to education protection according to relevant regulations  
Scholarships for Current Honor Students
ScholarshipOpen toGPAAmountNotes
  • - (Admitted in 2012 or prior years) Students who acquired at least 18 credits in the immediately preceding semester
  • - (Admitted in 2013 or thereafter) Students who acquired at least 16 credits in the immediately preceding semester
  • - For fourth-year students who acquired at least 12 credits
  • - No failed courses (including courses graded as pass or fail)
  • -Top 10% of each grade year per department/major
    *See further notice for details
3.0 or aboveTuition 67%Recipients selected during vacation
ExcellentTuition 47%
Scholarships for Student Employees
ScholarshipOpen toGPAAmountNotes
Throughout semesterA student who provides administrative assistance in a department Certain amountRecipients selected for each semester/department
Scholarships for Student Employees
ScholarshipOpen toGPAAmountNotes
Enhanced global competencySelected as recipient of enhancement scholarship of global competency
(pursuant to policies of responsible departments – e.g. Global Challenger, Overseas Culture Trip, Global Leadership Challenger, Foreign Language Contest, etc.)
 Certain amountSelected by related departments
Enhanced employment/startup competencySelected as recipient of enhancement scholarship of employment/start-up
(pursuant to policies of responsible departments – ex. Student competency evaluation, workplace trip, internship, supporting acquirement of qualifications, excellent resume, etc.)
 Certain amount
Enhanced learning competencySelected as recipient of enhancement scholarship of learning
(pursuant to policies of responsible departments – e.g. Study community, study coaching, study mentoring, same-age consultation, etc.)
 Certain amount
Scholarships for International Students
ScholarshipOpen toGPAAmountNotes
ATop 10% of international students 3.0 or above Tuition 67% Recipients selected during vacation
BTop 30% of international students Tuition 47%
CTop 70% of international students Tuition 30%
  • - Foreign national first-year/transfer admissions with TOPIK Level 3 or above
  • - Those who acquire KNU-managed KNKPT Level 4 or above or equivalent
First semesterTuition 47%As notified by Center for External Affairs – Office of Admissions
EForeign national first-year/transfer admissions and current students2.5 or aboveDorm fee 25%Selected by Simjeon Dorm.
Double-diploma and InvitationPursuant to MOU between college and foundation Certain amountAs notified by External Exchange Center
Other Scholarships
ScholarshipOpen toGPAAmountNotes
North Korean DefectorsNorth Korean defectors and their children who are eligible for education support according to related regulations (Students admitted in 2015 or thereafter)2.0 or above(70 p)Entrance fee 50% + tuition 50% (according to related regulations)Submit supporting documents
North Korean defectors and their children who are eligible for education support according to related regulations (students admitted in 2014 or prior years)Entrance fee + tuition 100% (according to related regulations)

KNU Kairos

Admissions to Department of Christian Studies, College of Global Talent (applicable if student stays in related department) 2.5 or above Entrance fee 50% + tuition 50% (4 years) As notified by Office of Admissions
Faculty’s Family Spouse or children of KNU faculty, staff, or executives 2.5 or above Entrance fee + tuition 100% Submit supporting documents
Military Entrusted Students Military Entrusted Admissions  Tuition 50% As notified by Office of Admissions
National ExamStudents who pass state-run exams (legal/administrative/technological office), foreign service exam, CPA, patent attorney2.5 or aboveEntrance fee + tuition 100%Submit supporting documents
Employee graduating from specialized high school Admissions of employee graduating from specialized high school (applicable if student maintains the related status) / Students admitted in 2015 or prior years 2.5 or above Tuition 40% (8 regular semesters) As notified by Office of Admissions
Admissions of employee graduating from specialized high school (applicable if student maintains the related status) / Students admitted in 2016 or thereafter
VolunteerExecutives of university student body, presidents of departmental student body
Executives of student-governing body approved by the university
2.5 or above Certain amount To be inaugurated as executive
  • - Students who improve KNU’s reputation by winning national-level contests or doing volunteer work
  • - Students who pass national exams such as 7th Grade national exam, tax accountant, public appraiser
  • - Selected according to further instructions
 Certain amountSubmit supporting documents
Children of ClergymanChildren of pastor in KNU-recognized sect, priest of Anglican church, missionary and those belonging to the Department of Theology2.5 or aboveCertain amount- As notified by Department of Theology
- Submit supporting documents
Special scholarship Students President finds necessary to award a scholarship  Certain amount  
Love Kangnam Students in need of financial aid 2.0 or above Separately determined Income level 8 or below
Foreign Language Students with good grades on official foreign language tests (selected according to further instructions) 3.0 or above Certain amount TBA/Submit supporting documents
Simjeon Dormitory Simjeon dormitory residents who receive a scholarship  Certain amount TBA/Submit supporting documents
Sibling scholarship If siblings register for the same semester, the scholarship is awarded to the one with higher grades (given to one student) 3.0 or above Certain amount TBA/Submit supporting documents
Alumni’s family scholarship Children of alumni who graduated from either undergraduate or graduate school 2.5 or above Tuition 30% TBA/Submit supporting documents
Disabled Disability Level 3 or above (student himself or herself) 2.5 or above Certain amount Submit supporting documents
Exchange students
  • - 18 credits in immediately previous semester and 12 credits for fourth-year students (At least 16 credits for students admitted in 2013 or following years)
    Note: If an exchange agreement specifies restrictions of credits, this condition will be applied.
  • - Exchange student dispatched to abroad university with good grades Note: The number of recipients is applied by allocation ratio of current honor students irrespective of nationality, university, department, grade year
3.0 or above Same as Honor Student Scholarship Per Each Grade Year Automatically selected after grades for exchange students are finalized
The president of the University may determine whether to offer scholarships for credit exchange program and double major. 2.5 or above Certain amount
Exchange student dispatched to an overseas university who is selected as a recipient of scholarship (according to related department’s policy)  Certain amount